With the advent of digital technology, the way we consume books has changed radically. Audiobooks have gained in popularity and offer an immersive experience for reading enthusiasts. Today, I’m going to show you How to Download Audible Books to MP3?
How can I choose my favorite audiobooks on Audible and download them in MP3 format? With The German Technique.
If you’re curious to find out how to download an audiobook and enjoy an exciting reading experience, stay with us!
What is an Audible Book?
An audiobook is an audio version of a book, where the text is read aloud by a professional narrator. It’s a practical alternative to traditional reading, offering listeners the chance to enjoy their favorite stories while doing other tasks, such as driving, playing sport or relaxing at home.
One of the main advantages of downloading an audiobook is the accessibility it offers. People with impaired vision or reading difficulties can now enjoy literature independently. What’s more, audiobooks give users access to a vast selection of titles in different languages, regardless of their geographical location or local availability.
Audio books make it possible to combine reading with other activities. Listeners can listen to a book while exercising, cooking or relaxing. This versatility optimizes time and adds an extra dimension to previously monotonous daily tasks.
How do I use the German Technique to download 2 audio books in 1 day?
The Germans’ Technique is a technique that allows you to get 2 audiobooks of your choice in MP3 format in just 1 day from the 600,000 audiobooks available with audible site features, below are the steps you need to follow to do so:
Step #1. First feature: Your first free audiobook
The first audible feature we’re going to use is the free subscription. For the first month, you’ll get your first “audio credit” to purchase a book of your choice. To take advantage of this, follow the steps below:
- Click on the image below to take advantage of this first feature:
- Log in with your Amazon account if you already have one, otherwise create one – it’s free:
- Confirm your order :

- Congratulations, you’re ready to purchase your first free audiobook.
Once you’ve taken this step, you can browse the 600,000 audiobooks available on this site. Select your favorite books to download in mp3 format in the next steps.
Step #2. Download Audible Book
Once your subscription is complete, you’ll have your first “audio credit”. Check that this is the case on the home page of your personal audible space:

You will now search for and select your favorite book using the search function. Then place your order with “Buy with 1 credit”:

To download your audiobook and listen to it on your computer, first install the “Audible manager” software ActiveSetupN.exe on your computer with the default settings: no devices to activate. Once installed, activate it with your Audible account, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Audible\Bin (or the software installation directory), right-click on “Manager.exe”, then Run as administrator, click on Devices, then Activate…

Enter your audible account information to activate the Audible Manager software.
Finally, once you’ve ordered your audiobook on the site and installed the Audible Manager software on your PC, go to your personal space and check your library to see if your book is there (sometimes it takes a while for your book to be available in your library):

Then click on “download” to get your first audiobook:

The download will begin and your book will open on audible manager. You can now listen to your first book, but only on your PC.
How can I listen to it anywhere?
Step #3. Convert audible Book to MP3 format
Your audiobook is downloaded in aax format, an enhanced audio format. You can only listen to this format with the audible manager software on your PC, smartphone or tablet, AND only with authentication on the audible website. This is not possible with your car radio!, so How to Download Audible Books to MP3?
To convert your audiobook to mp3 format, download the AAX2MP3 tool here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/aaxtomp3/
Then unzip the file into a directory and run the executable AaxToMp3GUI.exe :

Make sure that the “audible manager” software is installed on your PC AND activated with your audible account before converting your book to mp3 format.
Click on “Durchsuchen” and choose your downloaded audiobook in aax format (if you can’t find the path, do a *.aax search from your c drive: ), then click on “Umwandeln” to convert your audiobook to mp3 format. Once the conversion is complete, you’ll see the following display and find your book in mp3 format on the same folder as the aax format:

This is the one and only tool on the web for converting audible files to MP3 format, and YES it’s in German, which is why it’s called The German Technique.
So you’ve got your first audiobook in mp3 format, and you can listen to it with any media and mp3 player.
Step #4. Second feature: Your second free audiobook
To get another audiobook of your choice for free, follow the second feature of the audible site with the steps below:
- Go to your personal account area > View subscription details > and click on Unsubscribe:

- Follow the instructions and when asked why you are leaving, choose “I find the subscription too expensive”:

- With this option, audible offers you a new audio credit so that you can get another audiobook for free:

- Click on “Enjoy a free audio credit”, and you can choose, download and convert to mp3 format another audio book of your choice as shown in the previous steps:

What’s next?
That’s How to Download Audible Books to MP3 with the German Technique: 2 free audiobooks from the audible site in MP3 format.
If you want to choose and download more audiobooks, we’ve discovered other little-known features of the site that let you download as many audiobooks as you like at will.
I will show you how to do this next time. Thank you for you time with this simple guide.